16 Nov 2014 03:38:22
I see the police are also looking at Charles green and his consortium during and after he bought the club, things will get very interesting in this whole affair,

1.) 16 Nov 2014
It's pretty Brutal, every day you open the paper there is something else about us in it. When will it all end?

2.) 16 Nov 2014
Custodial sentences or fines will not bring our club as we knew it back. so what's the point, all fans should go back and watch them

3.) 18 Nov 2014
Billy I came up to try and expose the 2 frauds I believed were perpetrated at/to Rangers a long timre ago. The first is one obviously coming to a head with what I hope will be a trial and convictions. Firstly the downside, these people are professional at this lark, they are linked to many many other questionable liquidations/asset striping and more importantly redistribution of the cash they can remove from every possible source of the "asset" until it is deemed ready for handing to the administrators, in this case the administrators are part of the fraud. The more smoke and mirrors/paperwork they generate makes it so complex the burden of proof for courts is hard to get a conviction (this is why the police have taken 2 years to bring this to court). On a positive side they appear to have concrete proof linking at least one of the 4 persons to prior involvement in the purchase of Rangers by CW. If the sentences being banded about can be shown to these 4 as a reality (5-7 years potentially), then you may see someone grassing the others. My nomination for that would be Whyte when they catch him he will be the most likely to cave in he is also likely to have tape recording linking Green/Ahmad/Stockbridge et all to the 2nd stage of the 'fraud' CG and co striping vast quantities of cash from the Rangers bank to associates that i voiced countless times for "consultation" fees, there is I know evidence linking Stockbridge and a former secretary to 300k invoice to a "consultant" that carried out NO SUCH WORK (this is where the 2nd stage of the 'fraud' becomes fraudulent scheme the intentional stripping of cash by directors for no seeming gain to the club. if they can prove this), this again is possibly a major problem for the 2nd lot of persons. The best we can hope for is the first gang of 4 and Whyte get guilty and drag Green and Co down with them. any sign of this happening will see the current regime possibly panic and finally offer King/Kennedy etc a deal to buy them out. my belief is that Green has been involved all along as puppet master hence Mather/Stockbridge/Ahmad/Easdales all still being involved with Rangers after Green supposedly left and ALL linked directly to Green. I hope and pray we get rid of them and get our football club back and finally have some honesty and pride restored to Glasgow Rangers we as fans did not deserve the last 2 years. RTID. george